It’s one of the most common problems in golf — here’s an easy way to fix it

Sliding is one of the most common — and most problematic — issues in the golf swing. But there's an easy drill to fix it.
We write about the concept of sliding a lot around these parts, and for good reason: It’s really bad for your golf swing! According to GOLFTEC’s wide-ranging SwingTru study, it’s one of the key separators of skill between high and low handicaps. High handicaps sway too much on the backswing — so much that by the time they get back to impact, their hips are actually still behind the ball.

Lower handicaps move off the golf ball, but then have re-centered their hips by the time they reach the top of their backswing. Fast forward to impact, and their hips are almost two inches ahead of the ball at impact. It allows for a more crisp strike, and fewer chunked iron shots.

GOLFTEC’s Brad Thorberg has a solution to help. Simply place a water bottle outside of your back heel (right foot, for right handed golfers). As Brad demonstrates, if you’ve shifted your weight enough onto your front foot, you’ll be able to lift your foot without knocking the bottle over. If you’ve slid too far onto your trail foot, you’ll end up knocking over the bottle as you lift your foot.
You can book your own lesson at GOLFTEC right here, or below.