Effortlessly smooth out your swing with Lag Shot swing trainers

Lag Shot Golf training aids

Lag Shot swing trainers can help you swing like Ben Hogan.


Lag is one of the most commonly used “buzzwords” on the driving range, but very few people can actually produce it.

Cameron Champ, Sergio Garcia, and Ben Hogan are prime examples. To improve your swing, try to emulate the common moves of these silky swings. 

ben hogan swings
Swing Study: Breaking down Ben Hogan’s classic and powerful swing
By: Zephyr Melton

Here are three similarities between their swings (hold your breath). First, they keep their trailing elbows close to their torso. Second, their shafts are just inches from their trailing shoulders on the way through, removing any casting motion. Third, their shafts lean forward at impact, keeping the face more closed to compensate. 

Just writing this, my mind was completely scrambled. Trying to keep these swing thoughts in my mind while actually hitting a ball is virtually impossible. 

Lucky enough, there is one training aid that can help you make all three swing adjustments subconsciously. 

Lag Shot 7 Iron Golf Swing Trainer

#1 Golf Training Aid in 2021! Unlock Your Best Golf Swing and Add 20+ Yards Effortlessly! Returns are not applicable after 30 days. 
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Lag Shot makes three clubs with weighted club heads and hyper-flexible shafts (54° wedge, 7-iron, and 10.5° driver). The only way to hit a ball straight with this training aid is to follow the three-part, Hogan-esque swing guide. On the downswing, keeping your elbow tucked and shaft close to your shoulder allows you to “load the club”. 

At the start, I couldn’t keep the ball from going right. But once my tempo and timing improved with the trainer, making smooth swings with a normal club felt so much easier. I had more lag, better rotation, and a more compact downswing.

To purchase a Lag Shot club and make these improvements yourself, click the link below (save $88 when you purchase the triple threat combo). 

Lag Shot Triple Threat Combo

Unlock Your Best Golf Swing and Add 20+ Yards to Your Drives Effortlessly!  Groove a Swing That’s On Plane with Perfect Tempo & Timing.  Develop Feel and Touch Around The Greens.   Returns are not applicable after 30 days. 
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Tyler Zimmer

Golf.com Contributor

Tyler is a collegiate golfer for Cornell University working as GOLF.com’s summer intern. He was the editor-in-chief for The Haverford School’s Index after serving as the sports section editor. Tyler writes tournament content, product reviews, and instructional pieces from his perspective as an active player.


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